Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
Text File
325 lines
Files marked "(d)" are files I think should be deleted.
Files marked "(m)" should probably be moved somewhere else.
881/ 2 (d) Michael Ritzert's 68881 coprocessor math lib for GCC
I'm pretty sure all of this code has been merged into the Portable Math Library
-- hyc
aa.gnu.881 4 description file
contents 1 contents file
lib5.zoo 23 Object library, patchlevel 5
src6.zoo 67 library source, patchlevel 6
Bash/ 2 Bourne Again SHell for TOS, somewhat /bin/sh compatible
Bash-108/ 2 Bash 1.08
108src-d2.zoo 99 diffs and support code for TOS bash
aa.gnu.bash 5 description file
bash-108.zoo 1695 Full source and binary for TOS bash
contents 19 contents file
Bash-110/ 2 Bash 1.10
Mintversion/ 2 Bash 1.10 for MiNT
aa.gnu.bash.minversion 1 description file
bash110b.zoo 118 MiNT-Bash binary, you'll need the source for supp files
bash110s.zoo 457 MiNT-Bash source code
contents 14 contents file
glob.zoo 9 Wildcard globbing library for compiling Bash
readline.zoo 216 Terminal input routine library for compiling Bash
Unixmodeversion/ 2 Bash with UNIXMODE support
110bin-d3.zoo 226 Binary and docs
110src-d3.zoo 63 Patches relative to prep distribution
aa.gnu.bash.unixmode 3 description file
contents 1 contents file
Bash-1135/ 2 Bash 1.13.5
bash1135.zoo 168 Bourne Again Shell,v 1.13.5
bash1135.zoo.contents 288 Filenames found in archive
Bison/ 2 GNU's version of the yacc grammar compiler
aa.gnu.bison 1 description file
bisn119b.zoo 67 Bison 1.19 binaries
bisn119s.zoo 327 Bison 1.19, atari-patched source
bison1-14.zoo 156 (d) Source code for bison 1.14
bison1-18.zoo 4 (d) Diffs for bison 1.18
bison1-19.zoo 4 Diffs for bison 1.19
byacc.zoo 61 (m) Berkeley public domain yacc(1) clone
contents 5 contents file
Curses/ 2 Terminal-independent screen I/O package for GCC
aa.gnu.curses 6 description file
contents 8 contents file
crsolb12.zoo 58 (d) Compiled libraries
crssrc12.zoo 264 (d) Source code for Curses, Termcap, and Widget libs
crsolb16.zoo 115 Compiled Curses, Termcap, Widget libs
crssrc16.zoo 257 Source code for Curses, Termcap, and Widget libs
widgetdoc.zoo 28 documentation for the Widget library found in crs*.zoo
Diff/ 2 Produces the difference between two files
aa.gnu.diff 2 description file
contents 2 contents file
diff-1.15.zoo 121 (d) old version
diff-1.5.zoo 181 diff 1.5 source and binaries
diff20b.zoo 94 diff 2.0 binaries and diffs relative to orig 2.0 dist
Doc/ 2 Frank Ridderbusch's reference cards for GCC
aa.gnu.doc 1 description file
contents 2 contents file
gcc-doc-dvi.zoo 105 Ref cards (DVI output)
gcc-doc-tex.zoo 141 Ref cards (TeX source)
gcc.brief 69 Out-of-date man page for GCC
txnf214b.zoo 79 Texinfo - programs to format GNU docs w/o TeX
Emacs/ 2 GNU Emacs text editor
Emacs18.55/ 2 Emacs 18.55
aa.gnu.emacs1855 5 description file
contents 16 contents file
jrb_emacs_src/ 2 GNU Emacs 18.55, J. Bammi's port
++jrb_emacs_src.zo1 644 Emacs 18.55 source code in 3 parts...
++jrb_emacs_src.zo2 657 "cat" these 3 files together before unzooing
++jrb_emacs_src.zo3 83 use a binary cat, gulam's is text only!
temacs.lzh 140 undumped emacs binary ???
xemacs.lzh 244 dumped emacs binary ???
Emacs18.57/ 2 Emacs 18.57
1857bin-d2.zoo 589 binaries and elisp files
1857src-d2.zoo 438 source code; elisp files not included
aa.gnu.emacs1857 3 description file
contents 13 contents file
Flex/ 2 clone of lex(1) lexical analyser generator
aa.gnu.flex 2 description file
contents 1 contents file
flexb237.zoo 69 Flex binary, lib, and source diffs
flexs237.zoo 159 Flex source (fully patched already)
Futils/ 2 GNU Fileutils
Futils-2.0/ 2 Fileutils 2.0, port by scott@sparc1.stevens-tech.edu
fu2-bin.zoo 563 Fileutils 2.0 binaries
fu2-diff.zoo 11 Fileutils 2.0 diffs and instructions
Futils-jgj/ 2 Jackson's port of GNU file, misc, shell, and text utils
Bin/ 2 Jeff Jackson's GNU utilities, binaries
misc1b.zoo 489 Jeff's miscutils
shell13b.zoo 295 Jeff's shellutils
text11b.zoo 500 Jeff's textutils
Man/ 2 Jeff's man pages for the utilities
manpages.zoo 139 Jeff's man pages for the utilities
readme.zoo 21 Jeff's readme for the utilities
Src/ 2 Jeff Jackson's GNU utilities, sources
file31s.zoo 243 Jeff's fileutils
misc1s.zoo 539 Jeff's miscutils
shell13s.zoo 191 Jeff's shellutils
text11s.zoo 274 Jeff's textutils
Utils/ 2 Jeff's version of the mint utilities
mint.zoo 94 Jeff's version of the mint utilities
readme 7 Readme for Jeff's GNU utils package
G++/ 2 GNU C++ libs/includes
Abaddon_g++/ 2 ???
aa.gnu.abaddong++ 2 description file
contents 4 contents file
gxxbin.zoo 558 ???
gxxinc.zoo 124 ???
gxxlib.zoo 169 ???
g++233b.zoo 504 g++ code generator, v 2.3.3. Needs gcc233b.zoo.
gpincl15.zoo 94 g++ include files
gpincl17.zoo 102 g++ include files for libg++ 2.3
gpincl20.zoo 102 g++ include files for patchlevel 20 libraries
gplibd15.zoo 4 docs for g++ iostream lib in texinfo format
gplibdoc.zoo 232 docs for libg++ in .DVI and PostScript format
gplibo15.zoo 133 g++ compiled .olb libraries
gplibs15.zoo 197 source code for g++ libs
gplibo17.zoo 317 g++ compiled .olb libraries and include files
gplibs17.zoo 209 source code for libg++
gplibo20.zoo 142 g++ compiled .olb libraries and include files
gplibs20.zoo 202 source code for libg++
tests09.zoo 32 source for tests for g++ libs
Gas/ 2 GNU assembler
aa.gnu.gas 2 description file
contents 6 contents file
gas-1.38-bin.zoo 80 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 (pl0?) binaries
gas-1.38-src.zoo 368 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 (pl0?) sources
gasbin02.zoo 84 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 pl2 binaries
gassrc02.zoo 568 (d) GNU assembler 1.38 pl2 sources
gasbin04.zoo 62 GNU assembler 1.38 pl4 binaries
gassrc04.zoo 531 GNU assembler 1.38 pl4 sources
Gawk/ 2 clone of awk(1) file processing language
aa.gnu.gawk 3 description file
cawf2st.zoo 138 nroff-like text formatter written in awk
contents 16 contents file
gawk213b.zoo 172 gawk binaries, man page, and test files
gawk213s.zoo 267 gawk source code
gawk2-15-5b.zoo 105 More gawk, with bus-error fix
Gcc/ 2 GNU C compiler
gcc258b.zoo 1207 GCC 2.5.8 binaries
gcc258s.zoo 55 GCC 2.5.8 source diffs
gccdoc.lzh 321 Frank's documentation for gcc
gccman.zoo 31 man page for gcc/g++ 2.0
Gcctest/ 2 GCC test programs
tests03.zoo 50 (d) GCC library confidence test source code
tests05.zoo 37 GCC library test source code, patchlevel 5
Gdb/ 2 GNU debugger
aa.gnu.gdb 2 description file
contents 5 contents file
gdb_18b.zoo 187 gdb binaries
gdb_18s.zoo 453 gdb source
Gemlib/ 2 GEM libs for GCC
aa.gnu.gemlib 1 description file
contents 7 contents file
gemlib27.zoo 173 GEM libraries for GCC, source, patchlevel 27
gemolb27.zoo 33 GEM libraries for GCC, compiled, patchlevel 27
gmlibo23.zoo 48 (d) GEM libraries for GCC, compiled .olb
gmlibs23.zoo 230 (d) GEM libraries for GCC, source code
gmlibo30.zoo 33 GEM libraries for GCC, compiled, patchlevel 30
gmlibs30.zoo 67 GEM libraries for GCC, source, patchlevel 30
Ghostscript/ Postscript(tm) graphics language interpreter
0readme 1 Readme file explaining some things about gs
gemgs13.zoo 64 GEM front-end for ghostscript
gs261b.zoo 383 Ghostscript binaries
gs261s.zoo 77 Ghostscipt source code
ps_picts.zoo 427 Postscript(tm) files for use with Ghostscript
Gnulib/ 2 Libraries for GCC
aa.gnu.gnulib 1 description file
contents 15 contents file
libolb98.zoo 152 GCC libs, compiled, needs Include/incl98.zoo
libsrc98.zoo 358 GCC libs, source code, needs Include/incl98.zoo
Gnumake/ 2 Program maintenance tool
aa.gnu.gnumake 1 description file
contents 5 contents file
gmake362.zoo 86 binary for GNU make 3.6.2, supports 8.3 filenames only
gnumake.zoo 87 (d) GNU make 3.58 diffs and binary
gulmake.zoo 16 (d) Stuff to build GCC 1.37 under TOS and Gulam
make-3.60.zoo 393 GNU make 3.60 source and binary
pdmake.zoo 30 (m) source for